
Payments accepted by   Bank Transfer, email me for payment details, I cannot take credit card.  Mail Order,  Minimum  £11.00 Insured p/p. TEL 07966362059 (Weekdays between 0900 and 1700)

Email:- (if no reply in 2 working days, I have not received it, either text or ring)



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Email  telling me what you want, I will reply giving you the total price and payment options.


For Snider paper patch template click here

For Martini Henry and Snider cartridge specifications click here

Lee 577 snider 3 Die set


Lee 577 Large Series 1 1/4x12 thread 2-die set for 577/450 Snider. Includes Full Length Sizing Die, Bullet Seating Die, Factory Crimp Die, shell holder..  £120.00





Snider Cases,  

These are made from reformed Magtec 24 Gauge shotgun shells, I shoot these myself without any problems.  £4.50 each

Special offer A box of 25 is £118.00 Including  insured postage (Zone 1 only, discount of £5.00 on Zone 2).


Annealing cup

An annealing cup suitable for annealing Martini Henry and Snider cases that have been reformed from Magtec 24 Gauge shotgun shells. If you want one for Bertram cases which have a slightly larger base let me know and i can enlarge to fit.

This annealing cup is used in conjunction with a butane blowlamp and a cordless electric drill. The cup is put in the cordless drill and  the case is put in side the cup, the case is then rotated and the blowlamp flame is applied to the neck of the case. As soon as any colour change is noticed the flame is removed,  the case is tipped out  and allowed to cool. this is repeated for each case. Do not allow the case to become red hot as it will ruin the case. Martini Henry Case not included  See under Martini Henry






X-Ring Services  Bullet Moulds (Single Cavity – Aluminum Blocks)

X-Ring Services Colin Clark Bumble Bee style Snider mould


Colin Clark Bumble Bee style mould designed for the 577 Snider.

This is a single cavity mould produces a .577 Snider grease groove .600” diameter 440gn SWC-style bullet.

£130.00 including Insured postage and packing (Zone 1) Additional items up to £360.00 in value, postage free

Collection price £116.00

(Needs a set of mould Handles)






X-Ring Services Round Nose Flat Base Snider mould


This mould  is designed for the 577 Snider and looks more like the original bullet when loaded. 

It is a single cavity mould and produces a .577 Snider grease groove .600” diameter 530gn RN bullet

£130.00 including Insured postage and packing (Zone 1) Additional items up to £360.00 in value, postage free

Collection price £116.00

(Needs a set of mould Handles)





Ammunition Boxes.


Suitable for storing Snider Ammunition. These cases will store 25 rounds of loaded Snider ammunition in the bullet up position.   £8.00



Reloading Tray

These reloading trays hold 50 rounds of Martini Henry or Snider cases. See under Martini Henry






577 Wad stack pusher with depth stop

When putting the wad stack (Fibre wad x 3 plus a lube wad) in the case neck it is important to keep the stack inside the case neck, this small tool allows you to set the depth you push the stack into the neck. This is particularly important if you are finger seating your bullets or using extremely light neck tension.

Fully adjustable from 10mm to well past the end of the neck See under Black powder


Just set the tool to push the stack to the depth you want the bullet to go in the case, check to see the whole of the stack is still within the neck of the case and you can be sure each stack will be in the same place. This tool will also allow inspection of the top of the stack to ensure you have no lube leakage that could result in the top wads sticking to the back of the bullet.




Paper for Paper patching

90 GSM Paper, This A4 size paper  is  all cotton  and suitable for paper patching bullets to shoot from the Martini Henry or Snider, I use this in fire formed cases as new cases are to tight to get the bullets in.  4 thou thick. Two wraps will increase the diameter of the paper patch bullet about 12  thou, depending on method of wrapping. A .457 bullet becomes .469 approximately. Each sheet makes patches for 28 bullets. See under Martini Henry

9 Pound Onion Skin Paper for  Paper Patch Bullets. This paper patch bullet paper is imported from America and measures 8 1/2"x11" .002" thick. Two wraps will increase the diameter of the paper patch bullet about  6 Thou depending on method of wrapping. A 457 bullet becomes .463 approximately. Each sheet makes patches for 26 bullets.  See under Martini Henry




Lee Commercial Mould Handles



Lee Commercial Mould Handles fits Lee 6-Cavity Moulds, also most other brands of single and double cavity mould. See under Martini Henry






Large Pistol/Large Rifle  Magnum primers.


See under reloading.



Black Powder.  


See under Black Powder





Hogdon Triple 7


See under Reloading.



1lb Triple 7 FFFG black powder substitute  See under Black Powder  
1lb Triple 7 FFG black powder substitute  See under Black Powder  


OX Yoke Wonder Lube 1000

This is a black powder bullet lubricant/fouling softener which can also be used to lubricate patches. Made of natural products, protects against corrosion. Allows consecutive shots without cleaning. Has a natural scent that does not alert game. Made in the USA. This is a paste with the consistency of butter.   12 ounce pot  See under Black powder





OX Yoke Liquid Wonder Lube 8oz bottle


This is a black powder bullet lubricant/fouling softener which can also be used to lubricate patches and wads. Made of natural products, protects against corrosion. Allows consecutive shots without cleaning. Has a natural scent that does not alert game. Made in the USA. This is a liquid version of the above See under Black Powder




Kapok fibre is light weight: the hollow core makes kapok very light.  It is extremely waterproof and resists clumping, it  bouncing back to the original shape.  Kapok is also environmentally friendly and is a natural biodegradable fibre. Due to its  wispy nature  fibre are flammable and most will burn up during the combustion process. This makes it ideal for filling the space over black powder in Martini Henry or Snider rounds.  

Kapok should be fluffed up and and  the minimum amount should placed over the black powder to hold it in place, this will be 2 or 3 grains. 50 grams (approx) (770 Grains)  100 grams (approx) (1540)

Tin of beans next to the 50 gram bag for a size reference only.

See under Martini Henry






Puff-Lon is a lubricating ballistic filler that eliminates the air space inside an ammunition  cartridge and smoothes the barrel with its all-natural dry lubricants. Puff-Lon has been in development for over 9 years and in the consumer market since January 2002. During all these years reports have been positive with no unpredicted mishaps. One container is the equivalent of 22,700 grains (by volume) of powder. For information there are 7000 grains to the pound. See under Martini Henry




The testing of Puff-Lon has shown:
bullet An increase in the accuracy of any flat base bullets with smokeless or black powder
bullet An increase in the longevity of a firearm
bullet A decrease of the total maintenance of a firearm
bullet Very large increases in accuracy on cartridges with large air spaces such as B. P. C.  With smokeless powder and sub-sonic rifle cartridges
bullet Greatly slow down throat erosion
bullet Can replace wads and gas checks
bullet Isolates grease wads