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In the wizard of OZ the scarecrow set out to ask the wizard for a brain. The wizard being wise realised that what the scarecrow needed was a belief in himself, so gave him a university diploma and suddenly the scarecrow started  to act in a more intelligent manner. Why? Because he believed he was clever.

This may sound a bit trite but how many time have you heard someone say I can't do that and they can't. If you say you can't hit a barn door from 10 feet away, the only way for you to make this come true  is to make sure you don't hit the door, This decision may be at a subconscious level but its still there, a self fulfilling prophesy if there ever was one.

Self coaching is about changing your habits and attitudes to help you to succeed. Change for  I can't do it to I can' do it YET. Saying you can score 10 vee-bulls may not make it happen YET but it is a step in the right direction.

To help structure our self coaching we are going to use the acronym VISTA

One definition of the word vista is :- a possible future action or event that you can imagine:

We are going to use that definition to help us come up with a plan of action.

Visualise - What is the mental picture you have of success. What does it look, sound, feel, smell and taste like? In this imaginary scene, who is there, what is happening and most importantly - how does it FEEL emotionally? (what will it look/feel like)

Inspirational  - This aspect is a result of the scene you have visualized. Is it powerful enough to move you into action? (what will I feel)

Specific - What exactly are the specific steps or stages you need to pass through before you match your vision. There may be just one major picture of success you have in mind, or several smaller achievements that combined will give you your all important 'feel good factor'. (what will I do)

Timescale - Place deadlines on each specific step, as well as the final outcome. Goals are most effective when they just far enough out of reach to give an eventual sense of accomplishment, but not so far as to de-motivate. (how long will it take)

Assessable - It is imperative that there be points at regular intervals where your progress is noticeable. Knowing where they are, imagining how it will feel when you get there, acknowledging and celebrating that there. (how will I know)



 I want to improve the size of my groups.

Visualise. (what will it look/feel like) When I release the shot my sight picture is steady and on target, I can see myself hitting the target more consistently, the groups are smaller. I get that was a good shot feeling most of the time, I get up from the firing point with a feeling of satisfaction. Friends I shoot with notice an improvement in my score.

Inspirational. (what will I feel like) I want to feel pleased with myself, When I shoot in a team I want to pull my weight. I want to shoot better than I am doing now..

Specific. (what will I do) I will improve my sight picture control by:-

  1. relaxing,  breathing normally and when I am ready to fire just stop breathing. if I have not released the shot in 6-8 seconds I will start breathing again and repeat my preparation (I must get out of the habit of firing at all costs)
  2. holding the rifle on target and squeeze the trigger steadily, I will not know when the rifle will fire. (this will help eliminate flinching and jerking the rifle off target as I pull the trigger)
  3. by following through after the shot. I will maintain my breathing control, sight picture and trigger control following the shot. I may notice an increase in the group size in the first few weeks but this will improve as I train myself to remain still

Timescale. (how long will it take) for the next 6 weeks I will concentrate on being able release the round within 6 seconds or I will back away from the release and start again. I will not shoot until I am ready, this should be a habit by then. Next I will spend 6-12 weeks practicing my trigger release technique followed by concentrating on the sight picture and follow through. In 6months time I will regularly be shooting smaller groups .

Assessable.  (how will I know)  when practicing my breathing control I will only shoot when I am confident that I am relaxed and not under pressure to pull the trigger. My group will have less fliers and will consequently drop in size. When  squeezing the trigger I will be surprised as to exactly when the rifle fires, I will not anticipate the recoil by flinching nor will I see the rifle move as I snatch the trigger, My groups will be more consistent and my overall score will improve. When I concentrate on the sight picture and follow through I will see the sights waver away from the bull less and less as time goes on. With every group I shoot that is my personal best I will feel more and more confident about my ability, as my shooting becomes more consistent I will feel more relaxed and expect to put in a competent performance.


So there you have it, plan for success and you will achieve it in some measure.