Reloading Tools 2

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Lee Micrometer Adjust Screw


These are direct imports from Lee Precision in the USA, they have put there prices up to me which in turn increases the shipping charges, import VAT, import duty plus the credit card fee and courier collection fee for collection the above. (All of which adds £4.00 to each one)

The micrometer adjust screw by Lee Precision replaces the original adjusting screw on any Lee bullet seating die. Infinitely adjustable, allows precision bullet seating depth.

Easy to read laser engraved divisions represent .001" one thousandth of an inch. The integrated friction ring eliminates annoying clicks that prevent splitting thousandths. No clicks, just smooth adjustment. Reads just like a precision depth micrometer, record your setting and easily return to them for future use.

The micrometer adjuster can be easily transferred to other Lee Bullet Seating Dies, but it is so economically priced, you will want one for every die. £22.00


Cartridges Compatible with Handgun Micrometer

Cartridges Compatible with Rifle Micrometer

Cartridges Compatible With Large Rilfe Micrometer


Box to hold the above Lee Micrometer Adjust Screw and Die


The box is shown with a lee 300 win mag seating die with Lee Micrometer Adjust Screw fitted. It also has a lee breach lock bushing fitted.

This box is 3d printing and made from Pet G. £12.00





Powder through die for progressive press

powders this can lead to some leakage. Picture shown in multi colours for clarity usually Black or Grey.

This die is spring loaded and is designed for the case to make contact with the die and lift the centre part slightly to ensure a powder tight seal.

Can also comes with an off set funnel as the standard lee funnel often hits the other dies on a progressive press for an extra £3.00

Available in 308 Winchester, 223 Remington and 300 aac blackout.

Dies are 3d printed in PET-G and are one colour usually Black or Grey unless other colour requested.  £12.00 or £15.00 with funnel


Lee Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure

The first choice for commercial reloaders or competitive shooters! Elastomer wiper and Teflon coated metal casing make this the smoothest operating measure. Will not cut powder and almost totally eliminates leakage. Large hopper with shut-off valve is attached with brass thumb nuts for the ultimate in disk changing convenience. Increased safety with positive pull-back lever. Swivel adapter, spring return lever with spring and all four disks included,  £54.00








Lee Perfect Powder Measure

Lee Perfect Powder Measure is best for reloading rifle cases, can also be used for pistol cases. Throws charges from 2 to over 100 grains. Can be used with the Universal Charging Die on the Load Master (not included). This  is the latest version of the perfect powder measure and cannot be topped up easily  as  the powder container has to be completely removed and turned upside down to fill.  £29.00

 An Upgrade from the old red hopper to the  new  bottle hopper is available for £6.00









Top fill Hopper with Lid fit the above powder measure.


There are 3 sizes of powder hopper, 500ml, 250ml and 125ml, all come with a threaded adaptor. Please state size when ordering

The hopper supplied as standard on the lee powder measure is just under 250ml.

To replace the bottle on the lee powder measure, simply unscrew the bottle and screw in the new hopper its that simple £8.00


The new powder hopper can be supplied with a powder baffle at additional cost .(£5.00)













Auto-Drum Powder Measure Automatic case actuated drum powder measure. Accurately and automatically dispense powder in your favorite cartridge. Two infinitely adjustable drums included. These Quick Change drums will accurately
and reliably drop charges from 1 to 80 grains of powder. £50.00

Case actuated; never spill a charge.
Exclusive elastomer wiper prevents powder shearing, works great with difficult metering extruded powders.
Machined body with labyrinth groove mates to the precision moulded nylon drums providing a leak free fit with the finest powders.
Drum is actuated by a steel sector and pinion gear train.
Quick-change hopper has on/off valve to quickly change powders.
Sleek modern design, all gears springs and levers inside the die cast housing.
Same swivel adapter as our famous Pro Auto-Disk powder measure. Makes moving measure fast and convenient.
Double charge disconnector reduces the chance of a double charge on progressive presses. (Press must have a fixed tool head or turret to use this feature.)
Handgun and rifle drums included.

Upgrade from old  red hopper to new clear bottle hopper is available for £6.00







The latest addition to the Classic Cast line of reloading tools is the Lee Classic Powder Measure. No powder measure, regardless of price, has all the features of the Lee Classic Powder Measure. £81.00

Rugged Construction:
This powder measure features a machined cast iron body; no other material has the heft, stability and rugged appearance that cast iron offers. The precision-machined rotor drum is cast from brass, which is naturally antistatic and spark proof.

Eliminates Cut Powder and Jerky Action:
A soft elastomer wiper strikes off the metering chamber rather than cut the powder. Youll be surprised at how smoothly the rotor operates. More importantly, you will enjoy the most uniform of changes.

Easy to Set and Read Micrometer Metering Chamber:
Powder charge adjustment is accomplished with a true micrometer adjustable metering chamber. The metering chamber is aluminum with a black anodized finish and features a crisp, permanent, laser engraved scale. The brass micrometer thimble is engraved with .01cc graduations and has a releasable detent lock. With most rifle powders each click is about a 1/10 of a grain, perfect for working up a load.

Changing Powder is Fast and Easy:

The Classic Powder Measure features an easily removable ½ pound capacity hopper with an on/off valve so you can quickly return unused powder to its original container or switch to another type. The hopper feeds to a pre-measuring chamber allowing precise charges regardless of the powder level in the hopper, no additional powder baffle required.

Quick Change Drums
One of the nicest features is the ability to use the new Lee standard quick-change drums (product # 90453). These low cost drums can be preset to your favourite charge and swapped out in seconds.



All drums are infinitely adjustable within range. No tools are required for adjustment. A graduated adjustment key included with each drum.

Each turn of the adjusting screw is .1cc or about 1 grain of powder. Each key is marked with .01cc graduations allowing easy 1/10 grain powder adjustments. £18.00

Features four precision moulded nylon drums:

(2) small drums for charging 25 ACP to 223 Remington
(2) large drums for charging the 223 Remington to Large Magnums. Also include an insert to allow reduced capacity charging similar to smaller drum.
Quick Change Drum Set can be used in conjunction with the Classic Powder Measure and the Auto Drum Powder Measure.

Quickly set your charge, and mark it and the powder type on the flat of the drum set for easy reference for future reloading.



A real powder measure stand, not a cast or stamped bracket. No need to bolt or screw this beefy stand to your work bench. Heavy powder coated steel stand compliments any brand or colour powder measure. Works especially well with other brands of powder measures that do not have the Lee on/off valve or removable hopper feature. When you want to change powders or empty the hopper. Simply lift the stand and you can pour the powder from your measure. When you are finished, store your measure away freeing up valuable bench space. £49.00

Powder coated steel construction.
7/8 mounting hole for all popular measures.
Includes 3 no slip feet.
Rock solid mount improves measure consistency.
Space saving freestanding design is portable and convenient.


Lee Precision Powder Measure Bottle Adapter  (see version under Le

e upgrades)

Allows dispensing powder directly from the shipping container of most popular powder manufactures. Includes a crystal clear bottle that holds over a half a pound of ball powder. Works on many American powder manufacturers containers. (53mm or 43mm thread)  Does not work on Reloader Swiss, Lovex or many European manufacturers containers, powder is therefore decanted in to the clear plastic bottle supplied. £7.00

Dispensing powder directly from the bottle assures positive identification of the powder type.

Adapter is manufactured from Polypropylene, resistant to attack from all types of powder. 

Now you can turn off the powder flow and store your powder in its original container with no fear of misidentifying or damage to your hopper from chemical attack. 

Viewing window allows monitoring powder level in use without removing bottle.  

1 Remove black hopper valve from your powder measure with Phillips screwdriver.

2 Attach hopper valve from your powder measure to the bottle adapter, with Phillips screwdriver. Lightly snug screw so that the valve can open & close.

3 Thread on to powder container for use. Rotate clockwise to close the valve, rotate counter clockwise to open valve. line up to tab




Additional Containers for use with Lee Measure Bottle Adapter

 The container second from the right is the one supplied with Lee Precision Powder Measure Bottle Adapter as above and all the new powder measures.

The all containers  screw in to the Lee Measure Bottle Adapter and replace the supplied clear bottle.

Far left 400ml  container with red adaptor (converts 48mm thread to a 53 mm thread) £5.00

Third from left 100ml container £2.00

Fourth from left 50ml container £1.00

A range of containers that screw in to the Lee Measure Bottle Adapter  with powder baffles and removable ends  are available under Lee Upgrades.






Two further containers

Left 250ml container £5.00

Right 125ml container £5.00







Powder Measure sieve lid

This device sits on the top of your Lee powder  measure instead of the lid. When you have to take a round apart with a kinetic you simply remove the brass case and empty the hammer in to the sieve. the powder flows through the holes back in to the powder measure allowing you to recover the bullet and powder easily. The holes in the bottom are 5mm so will catch all bullets .223 upwards. £8.00.

This device could be made to fit other manufacturers powder measures but you would have to send me the diameter of the pot and the wall thickness £10.00






Second hand RCBS scales

RCBS 5-10 scales


High quality balance beam scales by RCBS and is in excellent condition with some cosmetic signs of use. They weigh up to 500 grains in tenths of a grain, very easy to set the weight you want and being magnetically dampened come to a halt very quickly. Comes with a copy of the original manual. £50.00








Lyman Pocket Touch Digital scales

The Pocket-Touch 1500 offers full size performance in a very compact, portable design. The scale is just 2¼” x 4¼” x ¾” yet provides advanced touch screen controls and a full 1500 grain capacity. The scale comes with our patented Universal Funnel Pan, powder scoop and calibration weight. The unique Funnel Pan allows powder charges to be poured directly from the pan into the case. No need for a separate funnel. The scale has an easy to read, lighted display, is powered by (2)AAA batteries (included) and has an Auto Shut-off. £33.00







The RELOADR MARKSMAN digital reloading scale provides exceptional reliability for ammo reloaders. The clear plastic cover keeps the scale protected and can also function as an expansion tray, giving you room to weigh a number of items. The white, back-lit LCD features large digits and a stability indicator for professional results. Built-in overload protection helps prevent damage to the scale. Includes reusable gift-box with scale, powder pan, and one 100g calibration weight. Other features include power-saving Auto-Off after 3 minutes of inactivity, Tare/Zero feature for subtracting the weight of a container or expansion tray, and easy one-touch calibration. Includes two AAA batteries. Backed by a Three Year Limited Warranty. £35.00

Max Capacity: 1500 gn / 100 g / 3.5270 oz / 64.300 dwt

Readability/Accuracy: 0.1 gn / 0.005 g / 0.0005 oz / 0.005 dwt


Includes:- MARKSMAN Digital Reloading Scale and User Manual,- Reusable Gift-box/Case with Powder Pan and 100g Weight Key

Features: Easy One-Button Calibration,Tare/Zero Convert Automatically Between: g, oz, ozt, dwt, ct, gn Built-in Overload Protection Backlit LCD for easy reading Power-Saving Auto-Off (180 sec/can be disabled) 3 Year Warranty

Dimensions of Scale = 3.0 in x 4.3 in x 0.8 in

Display Dimensions = 0.6 in x 1.3 in

Platform Dimensions = 2.7 in x 2.7 in

Calibration = 100g (included)

Power = 2 x AAA Batteries (included)





Digital powder scale with 200gram check weight and powder funnel. £25.00

Product features

0.2gn/0.01g resolution

Modes: G-Oz-Gn-Ct

Platform size: 69mm x 69mm

Platform Build: Stainless Steel

Display: White Backlit LCD

Warranty: 3 Years

Power: 2 x AAA Batteries (Included)







Reloading Powder Trickler

The Reloading trickler delivers exact powder charges, down to 1/10th of a grain, to top off the initial powder charge.

The 8mm bore of the spigot allow individual sticks or balls of powder to be dispensed accurately and easily.

Wide, tip resistant weighted body and aluminium spigot ensures ease of use.

The trickler body is 3d printed in Pet.G plastic and has a long reach aluminium spigot.  £15.00










 Lee Auto-Disk Adjustable Powder Charge Bar

The Lee Auto-Disk Adjustable Powder Charge Bar is adjustable between .28 CC and 1.6 CC allowing the reloader to develop precise charges. Each adjustment line on the thimble is .1CC. This charge bar comes packaged with a volume measuring density chart for all of today’s popular powders and detailed setting instructions. This is a disk with a micrometer setting on it to precisely adjust the powder charge. It is always recommended to weigh out charges. £9.00





Lee Double Disk Kit raises powder hopper permitting two disks to be stacked in powder measure. Doubles the capacity, also able to make very fine adjustments. £13.00  version of the Lee Round hopper Powder Measure Double Disk Kit

See Lee upgrades for an alternative version


Lee Auto-Disk Powder Measure Riser

Because not every reloader uses Lee dies, this riser was created for alternate brands of dies that have extended adjusting screws. This allows the reloader using a turret or progressive press to use their favourite brand of dies while using both the Lee Auto Disk Powder Measure and Lee Safety Prime system. When used this riser lifts the Lee Auto Disk Powder Measure above the extended adjusting screws of other brands of dies and out of contact with the Lee Safety Prime System eliminating the chances of the powder measure coming into contact with the Safety Prime system and the adjusting screws of other die sets. £9.00

Technical Information

  • Raises the Auto Disk Powder Measure higher above the original mounting location on a reloading press

  • Allows the reloader to use other brands of dies that have extended adjusting screws

  • The riser is not necessary if using Lee dies with the Auto Disk Measure only

  • If using the Lee Safety Prime system this riser is required to raise the Auto Disk Powder Measure above the Lee Safety Prime System


    Lee Auto-Disk Rifle Powder Charging Die 22 to 30 Calibres

    This die is used to charge small capacity rifle cases ranging from 22 calibre to 30 calibre with a minimum case length of 1.403" to a maximum case length of 2.015" ( using the Auto-Disk Powder Measure. It works the same as the pistol powder through expanding dies except it doesn't expand the case mouth. Rifle case expansion is normally done in the sizing die. Steel die comes packaged in a plastic storage case. Shell holder sold separately.  £14.00