Payments accepted by Bank Transfer, email me for payment details, I cannot take credit card. Mail Order, Minimum £11.00 Insured p/p. TEL 07966362059 (Weekdays between 0900 and 1700) Email:- (if no reply in 2 working days, I have not received it, either text or ring)
Ordering is easy. Email telling me what you want, I will reply giving you the total price and payment options.
Mandrel Expander Body for .223 Remington
When using the Sinclair expander mandrel with .223 Remington the case can hit the mandrel pin or go up the side of the pin which damages the case, . This mandrel die having a smaller hole with an entry guide cures this problems. 3D printed in Pet-G and has been fully tested. This is for the die body as shown the mandrels will need to be purchased separately. Normally printed in Grey/Black. £15.00
Auto Bench Prime XR
Auto Bench Prime XR Spare Sides
Occasionally the casting where the shell holders fit cracks, this is usually caused by to much pressure on the handle when seating the primers over a long period of time. Should this happen to you, this replacement casting will make your Bench Primer XR as good as new. £25.00
Auto Bench Prime XR Stand A range of stands to mount your bench primer to. these stands lean the bench primer forward by 10 degrees making the primer feed more reliable. The standard bolts that came with the bench prime are used to mount the bench primer on the stand. Stands are available as a bench plate mounting, vice mounting or screwed to a table. 3D printed in red Pet-G plastic. (The same plastic fizzy pop bottles are made of.) £10.00 each
Lee Safety Prime Priming Unit Large + Small Primers Post 2006 Presses
Used Lee Safety Prime Priming Unit Large + Small Primers Post 2006 Presses. 2 Available
2) Used safety prime in box it has signs of use (dirty) which would clean off. comes with a bracket for classic press and the breach lock classic/challenger press. £18.00
Contaminating your primers with oily hands can sometimes lead to a hazardous
load. The Lee Safety Prime eliminates the need to touch them at all, or at least
until they are safely loaded into the brass. Quickly and easily feed the primer
with a simple click. This priming tool is for use with both small and large
primers. Works on all Lee presses that feature the Lever Prime System (LPS). Press
must have the Lever Prime System (LPS) for this to fit. This will not fit a
Classic Turret Press unless another bracket is used to mount it, the bracket is
available from Lee Precision, their TP2699. Requires powder measure riser (which is not include)
Custom Annealing cup
An annealing cup made to fit your cartridge case. This annealing cup is used in conjunction with a butane blowlamp and a cordless electric drill. The cup is put in the cordless drill and the case is put in side the cup, the case is then rotated and the blowlamp flame is applied to the neck of the case. As soon as any colour change is noticed the flame is removed, the case is tipped out and allowed to cool. this is repeated for each case. Do not allow the case to become red hot as it will ruin the case. £20.00 Each
Lee Spline drive Breech Lock Bushings 4 pack
Spline drive Breech Lock Bushings 4 pack. New, easy grip splined drive surface allows easy, accurate and fast die installation in your press. Reloading dies are confusingly similar looking, so we anodized and coloured the bushings so you can “colour code” your dies for quick positive identification. No need for lock rings on your dies with these quick-change bushings. Simply lightly tighten the clamp screw, and split collar will put a vice lock on your die. Loosen the screw, and the die will spin freely. Once set you’ll never lose position. £25.00
Lee Breech Lock Update Kits for single station presses
Lee1 1/4"-12 Breech Lock Update Kit. Convert your green or red press to allow use of Lees Breech Lock quick-change bushing feature. £14.50
Lee 1 1/2"-12 breech lock adapter Spline drive lock-ring eliminator Lock-ring wrench £15.50
One Black nylon wrench
Picture shows die wrench in use. All silver parts are to show how black plastic wrench can be used. One black plastic die wrench only. £3.00.
Reloading Plastic Die Wrench for Lee Spline Drive Breech Lock Bushings
Similar to the above wrench. The Reloading version has a slight bevel on the underside to make alignment with the splines easier £2.00 3D printed in red Pet-G plastic. (The same plastic fizzy pop bottles are made of.)
Reloading Plastic Socket Wrench for Lee Spline Drive Breech Lock Bushings
When using the Lee Spline Drive Breech Lock Bushings on the Lee Auto Breech lock Pro it is difficult if not impossible to get the Plastic Die Wrench on the bushings if all four stations are occupied. Even when fitting the dies the have to be fitted clockwise and tightened with the wrench as you go, the 4th die cannot be tightened or loosened with the wrench due to the placement of the clamping screw. When the 4 dies are fitted it is impossible to put the wrench to any of the dies and move them sufficiently. The Reloading Socket Wrench overcomes this by providing 360 degree raised spline that will allow the standard Lee wrench to fit in any orientation. The socket wrench fits over the Lee Spline Drive Breech Lock Bushing and has a cut out to allow clearance for the clamping screw, now the last die fitted can be tightened or loosened with the wrench without a problem . This socket wrench works with the Lee and Reloading plastic die wrenches £3.00 3D printed in red Pet-G plastic. (The same plastic fizzy pop bottles are made of.)
Plastic Die Wrench and Socket Wrench for Lee Spline Drive Breech Lock Bushings
This kit consists of the Reloading plastic die wrench and the Reloading Socket Wrench as detailed above £5.00 3D printed in red Pet-G plastic. (The same plastic fizzy pop bottles are made of.)
Storage blocks for breach lock bushings and Dies
These Breach lock storage blocks can be used to store your dies safely in the upright position until you are ready to use them. Each block also has a storage slot for the shell holder. (Breach lock bushings are shown for illustration purposes only and are not included with the block) The blocks are available as shown, please specify which shape you want and how many holes when ordering 4 hole block £10.00, 3 hole block £9.00, 2 hole block £8.00.
Storage blocks for breach lock bushings that holds the new sizing dies and up to 6 of the new sizing dies
Lee Resizing Lube eliminates stuck and dented cases, makes sizing less work. Non-sticky, non-allergenic, and can be thinned with water. £5.60
Lyman Case Lube Pad
This case lube pad is perfect for the reloader looking to quickly and evenly lubricate cases prior to sizing. The cloth lubricating pad is designed to put the correct amount of lube on a case as it is rolled on the pad and the plastic case is designed to last. £15.00
Smart Reloader Case Lube Pad
Lubricate your cases before calibration forming. Easily place your cases in the reloading tray included in the cover. Non-skid rubber feet fixed on to the bottom side. £15.00
Case lube spreader small
Use to spread case lube on the above pads in a smooth thin layer Measures 85mm x 40mm x2mm and is 3d printed in Pet-G £1.00
Case lube spreader Large
Use to spread case lube on the above pads in a smooth thin layer Measures 100mm x 60mm x2mm and is 3d printed in Pet-G £2.00
Case Roller
The Case Roller is used in conjunction with a lube pad (not included) to spread a thin layer of case lub over many cases at once. The pictures show a lube pad with 10 x 300 win mag being lubricated all at once. As long as there is enough room for the cases to rotate once then you can lube as many as you wish in one go. The Case Roller comes with a tray to put the roller in to keep the base clean when not being used. The base of the Case Roller measures 200mm x 40mm and stands 35mm high, it is 3D printed in Pet-G. £8.00 Lub pad and cases are not included in the price.
Smart Reloader Kinetic Bullet Puller.
Includes 3 sets of collets that will allow you to pull bullets from reloaded ammunition from the calibre .17 up to .50 cal. £22.00
MTM Universal Loading Tray.
NEW Stock. The Universal Loading Tray has been retooled and replaces the LT-150, which has served reloaders for many years. While it still holds almost all rifle cartridges .17 through .458 Winchester and handgun calibres76 for 9MM, .38 and .45 pistol caliber, it also now fits new rounds, such as the WSM, WSSM, Rem, Ultra Mags and the 500 S and W Mag £12.00
RELOADING.ORG.UK PET-G LOADING BLOCK - 50 ROUND 338 Lapua/45-70 Govt![]() These blocks are printed from Pet-G providing the reloader with a very durable, easy to clean loading block. These 50 round blocks are 3/4" (20mm) thick and are printed to order, available in a Red, White or Green, other colours may be available. Very long print time so orders may be delayed by a couple of days if multiple blocks are ordered. £15.00
RELOADING.ORG.UK PET-G CUSTOM LOADING BLOCK - 50 ROUND Custom Loading blocks Can be made in your choice of size within the limits of my printer. Contact me for a quote. I will need to know the size of the hole required. this is usually the diameter of the cartridge plus 1mm. Due to the manufacturing system the holes cannot be enlarged by drilling so ensure that the correct size is requested. Prices from £20.00
Powder Die Stand.
You will either need a powder through die with a funnel in the top or a powder die as shown in the picture on the far left (not included) It should be noted that the threads in the top of the stand are not as well defined front and back when compared to side to side, this is due to the printing process. Basically the stand is printed on its back and the thread especially at the top has to be printed on air. However the threads do work and the die is held securely.
Older design Powder Through Funnels £8.00 each State cartridge when ordering
New design powder stand The new design of powder stand fits the new Breach lock funnels or any other Breach lock accessory. The stand can be supplied as seen for £20.00 or with the same 2 fixing options as the old design (screw down) or (hold in a vice) £15.00
New breach lock design Powder Through Funnels £10.00 each State cartridge when ordering Fits new design powder stand and any lee press with breach lock fittings.
Large powder funnel £8.00 Used to pour powder back in to original container