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Lovex Smokeless Powders Quick Guide
Lovex D032 Smokeless Powder (similar to Accurate No. 2) Lovex D032 Improved A fast burning, low density ball propellant developed for use in .38 Special loads. Excellent for target loads in almost all handgun cartridges, especially where low pressure and clean burning are desirable. Its low charge weights help the hand loader stretch his shooting dollar. Works well in .357 .44 and .45. Lovex D036 Smokeless Powder (similar to Accurate No. 5) Lovex D032. A relatively fast burning double base, ball propellant developed for use in the .45 ACP also good in 45 long colt No. 5 is our most popular handgun propellant Lovex D060 Smokeless Powder (similar to Accurate 5744) D060 Is a short cut, extruded, double base rifle propellant. D060 Is not intended to set new velocity records. What it will do, however, is allow you to shoot reduced loads, without fillers, in just about any cartridge, especially the older, low pressure, rifle cartridges. IHMSA shooters take note, it is also useful in large capacity handgun cartridges. D060 has some very specific design criteria. First, it is double base with a high percentage of Nitro-glycerine. This gives the propellant a high energy content. It also promotes consistent ignition even with low volume powder charges in the large capacity "old timers' such as the 50 Sharps. In fact, the 50 Sharps was used in some of the development work for this propellant. Nitro-glycerine contributes to excellent shelf life and reduces the effects of humidity and temperature. Second, D060's short length provides uniform metering so you can spend more time shooting and less weighing charges. Third, D060 has a relatively low bulk density. This contributes to its ease of ignition. In fact, ease of ignition and consistent velocity, regardless of powder position in the case, are the two main criteria we set in manufacturing D060. Lovex D073.4 Smokeless Powders - (similar to Accurate 2230) Rifle Propellants D073.4 One of our most popular rifle propellants. A double base, ball propellant developed for use in the 223 Remington (5.56 NATO). D073.4 Is very popular with modern service rifle shooters. Lovex D073.5 Smokeless Powders - (similar to Accurate 2460) Rifle Propellants D07305 is a medium-burning ball propellant is increasing in popularity with NRA, IHMSA, and bench rest shooters. Useful in a wide variety of cartridges, it is slightly slower than D073.4 and shows a small pressure advantage over D073.4 in bores of 7mm and over. An excellent choice in .308 Winchester, D073.5 is appropriate for use with M1 and M14 (M1A) service rifles. Works well in .308 (150grn), 30/30, .303, 223 Lovex D073.6 Smokeless Powders - (similar to Accurate 2520) Rifle Propellants D073.6 Medium-slow burning, high density, double base, ball propellant similar to Accurate 2520 gives excellent results in medium capacity cartridges (.308 class) and in certain applications in large bore cartridges. It is the best choice for target shooters using 168 grain bullets in the .308 Winchester. D073.6 has a pressure curve appropriate for use with M1 and M14 (M1A) service rifles.Works well in .308 (168grn), 30/30, .303, 223