Radio Messages

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Due to COVID and Christmas reloading will be close until the 6th of January 2025.

No further orders will be taken or processed until after that date.


Wishing all my customers a merry Christmas and happy new year.





Messages  passed between Firing point and Butts

Usually given as " message ? target ?".

So  a person on target 5 who is about to start shooting would ask the Range Conducting Officer (RCO) to pass "Message 1 target 5"



1 - Firing about to commence
2 - No spotting disc visible
3 - Spotting disc unmistakably disagrees with signalled value. Check the spotting disc shows last shot and signal it's correct value.* Range Conducting Officer is to view target before passing message.
4 - A shot has been fired but no signal has been made. Examine the target carefully and signal the shot if found or a miss.*
5 - Firer has challenged for a higher value for his shot. Examine the whole target and signal the correct value.*
6 - Radio the number of hits as Score Board figures are not clear (Service Rifle and Cadets only).
7 - Miss has been signalled but firer has challenged for a scoring shot. Re-examine the target carefully and signal the shot if found or a miss.*
  8 - Firer has challenged his score. Re-examine the target and show the correct number and the value of shots.*
9 - Marking / shooting appears to be unduly slow. Butt / Range Conducting Officer to check and correct where necessary.
10 - Stand easy. Half mast the target.
11 - It is suspected that the wrong shot hole has been patched out. Butt officer is to consult marker and confirm correct value.* (This message should only be sent after a Message 4 or a Message 7.)
12 - Stand easy, lower target, patch out and put target back up.
13 - Blow off shots are about to be fired (Match Rifle only). Ensure that all targets are fully lowered until Message 1 is given.
14 - It is suspected that there is a second shot on target: inspect the target and indicate any further shot found in addition to the shot presently shown.*

* The result of the message must also be confirmed by radio.