Lee Upgrades

Payments accepted by   Bank Transfer, email me for payment details, I cannot take credit card.  Mail Order,  Minimum  £11.00 Insured p/p. TEL 07966362059 (Weekdays between 0900 and 1700)

Email:- sales@reloading.org.uk (if no reply in 2 working days, I have not received it, either text or ring)



Ordering is easy.

Email  sales@reloading.org.uk  telling me what you want, I will reply giving you the total price and payment options.

These upgrades are not endorsed or manufactured by Lee.

All these upgrades are 3D printed in PETG. this is the same plastic as fizzy drinks bottles, its a strong waterproof plastic ideally suited to these parts.

Please note 3D printing is very slow with the primer collector system taking over 18 hours therefore I only keep a few in stock and print others as needed, please contact me in advance if you want more than 3 of any product.

If you have already bought a Lee Precision Powder Measure Bottle Adapter

You can use this upgrade hopper kit in addition, it gives you all the advantages of the above kit but allows you to use the original adaptor as well. The kit consists of a 3d printed adaptor, a half kilogram capacity hopper ( depending on the powder density), a powder baffle to eliminate variations in the amount of powder thrown due to the weight of the powder stack, and a lid to seal the top of the hopper. The lid is a firm fit so wont fall of like the lee one does. The original hopper also suffers from  variations in the amount of powder thrown, I sell a custom size powder baffle to eliminate this as well (see below)   23.5 cm tall by 6.7 cm wide  £12.00

This kit is also available with a 17.5 cm tall by 8.0 cm wide container as shown below in the wide body upgrade kit £12.00

Either Kit is available without powder baffle for £8.00






Lee Tall Body Perfect Powder Measure /Lee Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure/ Lee Auto Drum Powder Measure Hopper Upgrade Kit

This kit replaces the hopper on any of the above measures having a round hopper that can be rotated on and off.

The kit consists of a 3d printed adaptor, a half kilogram capacity hopper ( depending on the powder density), a powder baffle to eliminate variations in the amount of powder thrown due to the weight of the powder stack, and a lid to seal the top of the hopper. The lid is a firm fit so wont fall of like the lee one does. The original hopper also suffers from  variations in the amount of powder thrown, i sell a custom size powder baffle to eliminate this as well (see below) £14.00

Kit is available without powder baffle for £9.00


To fit you remove the chrome screw that holds the round red hopper to the black plastic adaptor and screw on the new hopper in its place. Sounds more complicated than it is. The swap can be done in less than a minute.




Lee Wide Body Perfect Powder Measure /Lee Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure/ Lee Auto Drum Powder Measure Hopper Upgrade Kit

This kit replaces the hopper on any of the above measures having a round hopper that can be rotated on and off.

The kit consists of a 3d printed adaptor, a half kilogram capacity hopper ( depending on the powder density), a powder baffle to eliminate variations in the amount of powder thrown due to the weight of the powder stack, and a lid to seal the top of the hopper. The lid is a firm fit so wont fall of like the lee one does. The original hopper also suffers from  variations in the amount of powder thrown, i sell a custom size powder baffle to eliminate this as well (see below) 17.5 cm tall by 8.0 cm wide £14.00

Kit is available without powder baffle for £9.00


Square Auto Disk Powder Hopper Replacement

The original Lee square powder hopper often cracks where the self tapping screws go in to the hopper, in a short time the hopper comes loose and needs replacing.

 This powder hopper is held on the base by machine screws so will not crack as you take them out and put them back in.

It holds slightly more powder than the original and the plastic is not transparent in the same way as the original.

Comes with powder hopper, lid and 2 machine screws that can be used with a single disk. Longer screws are available if you use a disk doubler kit. £10.00






 Square Auto Disk Powder Hopper to Wide Body or Tall Body Hopper Upgrade Kit


Please state whether you want a Wide body hopper as shown or a Tall body hopper as detailed above.

The kit consists of a 3d printed adaptor, a half kilogram capacity hopper ( depending on the powder density), a powder baffle to eliminate variations in the amount of powder thrown due to the weight of the powder stack, a lid to seal the top of the hopper and 2 machine screws that can be used with a single disk.. The lid is a firm fit so wont fall of like the lee one does. The original hopper also suffers from  variations in the amount of powder thrown, i sell a custom size powder baffle to eliminate this as well (see below) 17.5 cm tall by 8.0 cm wide £14.00. Kit is available without powder baffle for £9.00





Powder Measure Sieve Lid

This device sits on the top of your Lee powder  measure instead of the lid. When you have to take a round apart with a kinetic you simply remove the brass case and empty the hammer in to the sieve. the powder flows through the holes back in to the powder measure allowing you to recover the bullet and powder easily. The holes in the bottom are 5mm so will catch all bullets .223 upwards. £8.00.

This device could be made to fit other manufacturers powder measures but you would have to send me the diameter of the pot and the wall thickness £10.00





Powder Measure Sieve  with Lid

This device sits on the top of your Lee powder  measure instead of the lid. When you have to take a round apart with a kinetic you simply remove the brass case and empty the hammer in to the sieve. the powder flows through the holes back in to the powder measure allowing you to recover the bullet and powder easily. The holes in the bottom are 5mm so will catch all bullets .223 upwards. It also comes with its own lid which also fits the lee powder measure  £10.00.






Long Nut Wrench

This wrench fits over the standard Lee dies and allows you to tighten or loosen the locking nut with ease. £8.00

This wrench is designed to make it easy to  finger tighten and loosed nuts,  it is not designed to apply a large amount of torque, It will break if you do so.

Please note this wrench only fits Lee 7/8 x 14 die nuts or nuts of an identical size .






Short Nut Wrench  for standard series 7/8 x 14 dies

This wrench fits around the standard Lee dies and allows you to tighten or loosen the locking nut with ease. £5.00

Please note this wrench only fits Lee 7/8 x 14 die nuts or nuts of an identical size .

This wrench is designed to make it easy to  finger tighten and loosed nuts,  it is not designed to apply a large amount of torque, It will break if you do so.






Short Nut Wrench for large series 1" 1/4 x 12 dies

This wrench fits around the Large series Lee dies and allows you to tighten or loosen the locking nut with ease. £6.00

Please note this wrench only fits Lee 1" 1/4 x 12 die nuts or nuts of an identical size .

Large series dies are  the Lee dies for the 577/450 Martini Henry, 577 snider, 50 BMG, 338 Lapua cartridge

This wrench is designed to make it easy to  finger tighten and loosed nuts,  it is not designed to apply a large amount of torque, It will break if you do so.



Disk Doubler Kit

I have found most people own more than 1 powder measure and usually do not want another set of disks so I sell just the risers and extra long screws. This reduces the cost by at least 50%. If you want a superior disk double kit then buy one of the Lee Auto-Disk Adjustable Powder Charge Bar and you have the ultimate in powder measuring.   This kit raises the hopper of the Lee Pro Auto-Disk Powder Measure so you can stack two disks. This not only doubles the capacity of the disks, but it makes very fine adjustments possible. Most powders can be adjusted +/-.1 grain with different combinations of disks.  Screws and risers only. £8.00

Technical Information

Kit raises powder hopper permitting two disks to be stacked in powder measure, Allows the user to double the capacity and make very fine adjustments. Most powders can be adjusted up or down in 1/10th grain increments using different combinations of disks. Allows 308 and other similar size  rifle loads to be thrown (Maximum throw is approx 45 grains of accurate 2460). will not throw enough powder for large magnum cartridges such as the 300 win mag and such like


I can also supply Disk Tripler Kits if there is a need at £10.00

Not yet tested but if you are interested contact me and i will test one before sending it out. It is theoretically possible to make a Disk quadrupler. if you want one just ask and I will print one out will be £12.00.

Powder Baffle (Old Red Hopper)

This powder baffle sits inside a perfect powder measure  the lee auto disk pro or the any lee powder measure with a round hopper. £5.00

The powder sits above the baffle and can only fill the space underneath  through the cut-outs, this keeps the weight of powder entering the  measuring chamber constant. Normally the weight of powder pressing the powder into the chamber changes as the powder is used up and the weight of powder metered also changes.






Powder Baffle (New Transparent Hopper)

This powder baffle sits inside the new  red plastic cap and is held in by a screw in locking ring (see to far right of the picture for complete assembly fitted in to the red cap).

Baffle and locking ring shown in white for clarity in the picture, they are normally red.

Fits the lee perfect powder measure,  lee auto disk pro or the any lee powder measure with the new transparent hopper. £6.00

The powder sits above the baffle and can only fill the space underneath  through the cut-outs, this keeps the weight of powder entering the  measuring chamber constant. Normally the weight of powder pressing the powder into the chamber changes as the powder is used up and the weight of powder metered also changes.




Primer Deflector

The primer deflector sits between the  two right hand side columns and stops the odd primer from escaping £4.00








Printed Primer arm .


When you are removing primers the primer arm  sometimes sticks  and stops the primers falling in to the collection tube. £3.00

If you take the primer arm out the primers fall out the side rather than in to the collection tube.

this replacement arm does not move it just directs the primers in to the collection tube.

For the Classic cast, Classic cast breach lock,  Challenger press and Challenger breach lock press




Case feeder tube clip.

This clip holds the 4 tubes on the lee case feeder together £5.00

Works with the case collator fitted or not fitted







Ejector for the original Lee 1000 Turret Press.


This part replaces the original bit of wire and provides a more positive ejection of the finished round £3.00






Lee Perfect Powder Measure Stand (Vice mount)


The perfect powder measure is screwed to the stand with the self tapping screws that came with the powder measure.

The measure can then be held in a vice by the block on the base of the stand.£6.00





Primer collection system for the lee 1000 and Original turret press £25.00

The first thing you need to do is identify which casting you have as Rib layout is different.


This is Rib type A and used  Internal Primer deflector A.






This is Rib type B and used  Internal Primer deflector B





Please ensure when ordering to state which Primer deflector you need. B seems to be the most common one.










This is the complete kit of printed parts you also get a screw

(Not Shown to join the primer bin to the stand)









Above you can see how the parts fit on the press. you will notice the primer collection bin has a removable side to allow for easy emptying.