Hodgdon Powder Info

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In Order of Approximate Burning Rate

TITEGROUP™ As the name implies, this new spherical propellant was designed for accuracy. Because of the unique design, this powder provides flawless ignition with all types of primers including the lead-free versions. Unlike pistol powders of the past, powder position in large cases (45 Colt, 357 Magnum and others) has virtually no effect on velocity and performance. Cowboy Action, Bullseye and Combat Shooters should love this one! TITEGROUP has it all, low charge weight, clean burning, mild muzzle report and superb, uniform ballistics.

HP38™ HP38 is a spherical pistol powder that is great for low velocity and mid-range target loads in 38 Special, 44 Special and 45 ACP. This high energy powder provides economy in loading.

UNIVERSAL™ UNIVERSAL handles the broadest spectrum of cartridges for both pistol and shotgun. From the 25 ACP to the 44 Magnum, UNIVERSAL provides outstanding performance. In shotgun, it produces excellent loads in 28 ga. 3/4 oz., 20 ga. 7/8 oz., 16 ga. 1oz., and even 12 ga. 11/4 oz. As with all the “CLAYS” series powders, clean burning and uniformity are part of its attributes.

HS-6™ HS-6 is a fine spherical propellant that has wide application in pistol and shotshell. In pistol, 9mm, 38 Super, 40 S&W and 10mm Auto are some of the cartridges where HS-6 provides top performance. In shotshell HS-6 yields excellent heavy field loadings in 10 ga., 12 ga., 16 ga., 20 ga., and even the efficient and effective 28 ga. HS-6 is truly an outstanding spherical propellant.

H4227 H4227 is the fastest of our Extreme Extruded rifle propellants. Because of its' burning speed, it doubles as a magnum pistol powder. Top applications are the 22 Hornet, 357 Maximum, 357 Magnum, 44 Magnum and the mighty 454 Casull. For stability under extreme conditions, H4227 is the top choice.

H110™ H110 is the spherical powder that screams “no wimps, please!” It delivers top velocities with top accuracy in the 44 Magnum, 454 Casull and the 475 Linebaugh. Silhouette shooters claim it is the most accurate 44 powder they have ever used. In addition, H110 is “the” choice for the miniscule 410 Bore shotgun. It handles all 2 1/2", 1/2 oz. loads, as well as all 11/16 oz. loads for the 3" version.

H4198 This Extreme Extruded propellant has gone through some changes since its inception, all the time maintaining the same important burning speed of the past. The kernels were shortened for improved metering and necessary elements were added to make it extremely insensitive to hot/cold temperatures. H4198 is outstanding in cartridges like the 222 Remington, 444 Marlin and the 7.62 x 39.

H322™ This powder has won more benchrest matches than all other propellants combined. It provides match grade accuracy in small and medium capacity cartridges like the 223 Remington, 6mm PPC and the 7mm TCU. As a fine extruded powder, it flows through powder measures with superb accuracy.

BENCHMARK™ As the name implies, this Extreme Extruded propellant was developed for precision cartridges. As such, it is ideally suited for benchrest and small varmint cartridges like the 6mm PPC, 22 PPC, 6mm BR, 22 BR, 223 Rem. and 222 Rem., Additionally, it performs superbly in the 308 Winchester with light match bullets like the 147 gr. and 155 gr. versions. With small, easy metering granules, competitors will love how it flows through progressive presses.

H335™ H335 originated as a military powder, used for the 5.56 NATO, or 223 Remington as handloaders know it. Obviously, it sees endless use in the 222 Remington, 223 Remington and other small cartridges. In particular, prairie dog shooters will find this a favorite, as J.B. Hodgdon has for years!

H4895™ H4895 is a most versatile rifle powder. This member of the Extreme Extruded line is great for 17 Remington, 250-3000 Savage, 308 Winchester and 458 Winchester, to name just a few. It is amazingly accurate in every cartridge where it is listed in our data. It had its origin in the 30-06 as a military powder and was the first powder Bruce Hodgdon sold to the loading public.

VARGET™ The first of Hodgdon’s revolutionary Extreme Extruded Powders, VARGET features small extruded grains for uniform metering, insensitivity to hot/cold temperatures and higher energy for improved velocities over other powders in its burning speed class. Easy ignition and clean burning characterize other features that translate into superb accuracy, higher scores and more clean, one shot kills. Outstanding performance and velocity can be obtained in such popular cartridges as the 223 Remington, 22-250 Remington, 308 Winchester, 30-06, 375 H&H and many more.

BL-C(2)™ BL-C(2) is a spherical powder that began as a military powder used in the 7.62 NATO, commonly known as the 308 Winchester. When it was first introduced to the handloader, benchrest shooters and other target shooters made it an instant success. BL-C(2) works extremely well in the 223 Remington, 17 Remington, 22 PPC and of course, the 308 Winchester, plus many more.

H380™ H380 was an unnamed spherical rifle propellant when the late Bruce Hodgdon first used it. When a 38.0 grain charge behind a 52 grain bullet gave one hole groups from his 22 caliber wildcat (now called the 22-250), he appropriately named the powder H380. H380 is also a superb performer in the 220 Swift, 243, 257 Roberts and other fine varmint cartridges.

H414™ This spherical powder has an extremely wide range of use. From the 22-250 Remington to the 375 H&H, it will give excellent results. It is simply ideal in the 30-06. As with all of our spherical powders, it delivers incredibly consistent charge weights through nearly any type of powder measure. H414 yields similar results to H4350 in most cartridges, although charge weights will vary.

H4350 This Extreme Extruded propellant is a burning speed that has been known to shooters for decades. During that time, Hodgdon has modernized H4350 by shortening the grains for improved metering and making it insensitive to hot/cold temperatures. H4350 is great in such cartridges as the 243 Winchester, 6mm Remington, 270 Winchester, 338 Winchester Magnum and many more. For magnums with light to moderate weight bullets, it can’t be beat!

H4831™ It is probably safe to say more big game has been taken with H4831 than any other powder. Bruce Hodgdon was the first supplier to introduce this popular burning rate in 1950. Since that time it has become a favorite for cartridges like the 270 Winchester, 25-06 Remington, 280 Remington and 300 Winchester Magnum. As an Extreme Extruded propellant it shares the fine quality of insensitivity to hot/cold temperatures, as well as superb uniformity from lot to lot.

H4831SC™ Ballistically, this Extreme Extruded powder is the exact copy of H4831. Physically, it has a shorter grain size, therefore, the designation SC or short cut. The shorter, more compact kernels allow the powder to flow through powder measures more smoothly, helping to alleviate the constant cutting of granules. With the smoother flow characteristics comes more uniform charge weights, while the individual grains orient more compactly, creating better loading density.

H1000™ This very slow burning Extreme Extruded powder is perfect for highly overbored magnums like the 7mm Remington Magnum, 7mm STW and the 30-378 Weatherby. In addition, with heavy bullets, H1000 gives top velocity and performance in such cartridges as the 6mm-284, 257 Weatherby, 270 Winchester, and 300 Winchester Magnum. In a short period of time this powder has achieved considerable notoriety among long range match shooters.

H870™ This spherical powder is great for heavy bullets in big, overbore magnum loads. H870 is also used in the 50 caliber BMG and is the only surplus powder left in the canister line. Because it is inexpensive, it is frequently used in large capacity cases where economy is a major consideration.

H50BMG As the name implies, this new generation Extreme Extruded rifle propellant is a clean burning powder designed expressly for the 50 caliber BMG cartridge. Because it shares the same technology as VARGET, H50BMG displays a high degree of thermal stability in temperature extremes. Tests have conclusively proven that H50BMG yields very low extreme spreads in velocity and pressure. All this translates into small groups at extended ranges!