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Pictures of a pistol bullet
TC = Truncated cone
RN = Round nose bullets
RN FP = Round Nose Flat point bullets
FP = Flat point This is a flat point bullet so can be used in all types of firearms including Under-lever rifles
HP = Hollow point This is a Hollow point bullet and is therefore classed as expanding so you will need a variation on your FAC to buy these. It is also a flat point so can be used in all types of firearms including Under-lever rifles
Base of a TMJ notice that there is no exposed lead
This is the base of a FMJ bullet notice the lead core surrounded by the metal jacket
Pictures of Rifle bullets
SPZ = Spitzer point some times called spire point
BT = Boat tail. The back of the bullet slopes in for better long range flight
FB = Flat base. The base of the bullet is flat, these bullets are usually used under 500 yards.
Ballistic tip. These bullets have a small plastic insert in the top of the bullet to close up the hole where the lead went in to the jacket. these bullets can be expanding or non expanding. this one is a Hornady A-max bullet and is non expanding. however Hornady V-max look identical but are expanding. the difference is in the thickness of the jacket. The Grey colour seen on some of the rifle bullets is the molybdenum disulphate coating. this coating reduces friction and barrel wear. Highly recommended.
SPZ FP = Spitzer with a flat point. This bullet also has an exposed lead core and is expanding. the flat point allows it to be used in Under-lever rifles, ths particular bullet is used in a 30/30 under-lever.
This is the base of a FMJ Rifle bullet notice the lead core surrounded by the metal jacket. This type of bullet is common in surplus or military ammunition
Base of a Ballistic tip, hollow point or exposed lead core bullet notice that there is no exposed lead core |