Brown Bess

Payments accepted by   Bank Transfer, email me for payment details, I cannot take credit card.  Mail Order,  Minimum  £11.00 Insured p/p. TEL 07966362059 (Weekdays between 0900 and 1700)

Email:- (if no reply in 2 working days, I have not received it, either text or ring)




Flint for Brown Bess

These are hand made English flints that are approximately 1, 1/8" wide £3.50 Each

Limited numbers of these flints in stock



Strips of leather

Two strips of thin green leather 25mm wide by 60mm long suitable for wrapping around the above flints so they are gripped tightly in the jaws of the cock. £1.00 BP Patch Lube

This is a black powder patch lubricant/fouling softener is liquid lube  made to our own formula. The Lube can be used to lube and keep the fouling soft in muzzle loading pistols, and muzzle loading rifles that use a patched ball,  It is based on beeswax and olive oil and smells of wintergreen and is similar to Liquid Wonder lube  and other patch lubes.  It can also be applied at the range to individual patches but the more solid BP bullet lube may be better. 150 grams bottle 

To lube dry patches.

Take a stack of 50 or so dry patches and some patch lube, take approximately 40 off the top of the stack and put a pool of patch lube about the size of a 5 pence piece on the pile and replace the ones taken off the top, take approximately 30 off the stack and do the same, repeat every 10 or so. Now pick up the stack and squeeze top to bottom between your  fingers and thumb working the lube in as you go. Split the again where it wants to as the lubed patches will stick together where the dry ones wont. Keep putting small amounts of lube on the dry patches and squeeze the stack until there are no more dry or partially dry patches. Use as little lube as possible but ensure every patch is fully lubed.

Can be found under Black powder tab


Patches for the Brown Bess

.75 cal (Brown Bess) Dry .005" patches x 100

Can be found under Black powder tab




Adaptors for the below Ram/Cleaning rod attachments

I have a stock of adaptors that will allow the below ram/cleaning rod attachments to fit most other rods that have different threads.You would need to supply details of the thread you have on your ram/cleaning rod and weather its a male or female thread.

Most rods are either American 10-32, 8-32 or Parker Hale rods which are colour codes. Please make sure you order correctly we are happy to exchange or refund if you give the wrong details, however we will not refund the postage or send out a replacement postage free £10.00

Custom made Ram/Cleaning rods (Local Pickup only)




We can supply custom made ram/cleaning rods for any musket up to 2 meters long, these rods are made from 10mm aluminium with a brass knob on the top and normally threaded for the standard 10-32 accessories at the bottom, other threads can be supplied by special request. Due to postal couriers managing to bend these rods we do not post them they are local collection only.  Standard Brown Bess rod £30.00


Cleaning Jags /Ramrod Tips  Black Powder 10 x 32 Male Thread Brass  (Some 8x32 Jags/Ramrod Tips available)

Solid brass jag designed to fit .75 calibre. (designs can vary) £7.00








Fouling Scrapers

 Fouling scrapers are used to remove the black powder residue from the breach plug end of the barrel. Standard 10-32 Male Thread.  (designs can vary).75 calibre  £7.00





Bronze Brushes

Used to remove stubborn  fouling from the inside of the barrel. Standard 10-32 Male Thread

.75 calibre    £7.00



Bullet or ball puller


Used to remove the ball or bullet from a muzzle loading firearm charge fails to ignite.

Standard 10-32 Male Thread.75 calibre   £7.00






Bore mop for .75 cal

Bore mop for  applying your favourite cleaning solvent to the inside of the musket barrel. Standard 10-32 Male Thread £7.00



Pedersoli Loading Mallet

Wooden loading mallet used to start projectile in the muzzle of muzzle loading guns.

Can be found under Black powder tab