About Author

Payments accepted by   Bank Transfer, email me for payment details, I cannot take credit card.  Mail Order,  Minimum  £11.00 Insured p/p. TEL 07966362059 (Weekdays between 0900 and 1700)

Email:- sales@reloading.org.uk (if no reply in 2 working days, I have not received it, either text or ring)




I have been shooting in one form or another since I joined the Air Cadets more years ago than I am willing to admit to. For several years I contented myself with shotgun shooting and spent many a Sunday making lots of noise and breaking clays. My ex-wife was also a keen shotgunner so it was a good morning out for the both of us. We were both also keen on air rifle shooting and shot at various ranges as well as the range we set up in the back garden. However full bore target shooting has always be a passion for me and when the children became old enough for me to resume this aspect of shooting I joined the  Bristol Muzzle and Breach Loading Gun Club. One thing I particularly liked about this club was you could take your sport as seriously or not as you wished. As a member of this club I was given the opportunity to shoot all types of firearms from very early matchlocks to ultra modern sniping systems. Many of these firearms were lent to me by other members so I could have a go, this is one tradition I have kept going myself now I now that I am in a position to train people.

I am also a  Registered Firearms Dealer (A&S 52/2161)

MLAGB logo           

Shooting Qualifications

I am a NRA HME (UK) Range Conducting Officer and a MLAGB Range Officer and regularly run ranges for the BMBLGC.

I am a NRA (UK) Club Instructor for Target rifle

I am a NRA (USA)* Certified Instructor in Metallic Reloading. If you would like me to run a course in the Bristol area for your club drop me an E-mail.

I am a NRA (UK) Club Coach for Target Rifle and can run NRA Target Rifle Skills  and Club Instructors courses. If you would like me to run a course in the Bristol area for your club drop me an E-mail.

I also work as an Instructor for the NRA at Bisley

* that's right the NRA in the good old United States of America. They have some excellent training  courses.